Each piece of media can be quoted and redistributed as long as proper credit is give (mention the project's full name Education without discrimination is also my business!, implemented by the Center for Legal Resources, hyperlinked to the the project website www.educatiefaradiscriminare.ro).
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▬ Video
TV short (versiunea extinsă) - facebook mirror
Testimonial - Roma survivors of the Holocaust - facebook mirror
10 Women in Romania's History - with the support of Filia Center, video by Alex Lungu
12 LGBT Personalities in Romania's History - with the support of ACCEPT and Mozaiq, video by Oana Dorobanțu
▬ Ilustration
The illustrations were drawns by Sergiu V. Vasile (Utopia Balcanică, Vice, Times New Roman)
▬ Infographic
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Timeline of the events surrounding the Second World War, focusing on the Holocaust in Romania, with information from the Final Raport by the National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust - Elie Wiesele, Romania