Re-humanizing education In late summer, I began to work on a lax plan for my teaching in the new school year. I reflected on the contemporary issues, domestic and foreign, that I find most relevant and urgent in our world today, and why. I weighed pros and cons of different approaches to these issues, including…
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(Română) Istorie în 40 de secunde – tu ai învățat despre asta la școală?
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We must have gender education in school
We must have gender education in school “He who doesn't know history is doomed to repeat it.” That’s how George Santayana (1863-1952) bluntly formulates one of the foundations for which students and teachers must study certain topics. In the same manner, for example, it was reasoned to enrich the American and Anglo-Saxon curriculum with a…
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Least Restrictive Environment
Least Restrictive Environment “Mrs. Thompson, the team is ready for you.” I stood up and made my way to the conference room filled with the eight experts that would determine my son’s educational program. As I entered and sat down in the parent chair, I realized that my knees were trembling. This was not my…
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